Concrete Preparation

Preparing concrete surfaces for stains, coatings, overlays or repair materials is a time-consuming task that many contractors perform are tempted to overlook altogether. However, if this essential first step is ever skipped, you will undoubtedly learned the hard way how critical it is to the success of the job. At Crystal Soda Blast the quality of our work is of utmost importance and we would never cut corners.
Concrete surfaces need to be prepped prior to resurfacing to look like new concrete again or being upgraded to a decorative finish. Today polymers can be applied as thin as 1/8 " or up to 3/4" thick and stamped, producing a surface that looks just like a normal stamped concrete surface.
Surfaces are also prepared prior to various floor-coating installations in industrial, commercial, and institutional applications. The most important characteristic for resurfacing materials or floor coatings is the texture of the concrete.
Whether the project is line removal from a commercial airway strip, prepare planter boxes on a condo deck for new waterproof coating, or concrete polishing for retail finishing, Crystal Soda Blast is committed to providing the highest quality in concrete preparation contracting services. We have the tools to create the desired texture to make sure the resurfacing materials form a lasting bond with the concrete. Below are two examples of methods we use to prepare concrete:
Scarifying is another part of the shot-blasting and surface preparation process that uses high-speed, rotating metal or carbide disks. Scarifyers are typically used for repairing common slab problems, for example: curled joints, high spots, uneven slabs, trowel marks, damage due to weather, and other similar types of damage. Click here for more information on scarifying.
Grinding is used to remove thinner coating, surface grime and sealers. This will help open the pores on the concrete to have a better bond with sealers and coatings. Click here for more information on grinding
Project Examples
Bellevue, WA - Residential
This is a before and after of a coating removal (heavy grinding) project we did in Bellevue. Regularly, condo owners will remove and reapply coating on their deck to prevent leaking, staining, and other damage to their outdoor area.
Kenmore, WA - Bastyr College
This is a concrete sandblasting project at Bastyr College in St. Edwards Park in Kenmore, WA. We did courtyards and sidewalks like this throughout the campus. In the picture below we are halfway done with the area. Notice how even the blast area is.
Tukwila, WA - Southcenter
The traffic coating of a parking structure at the Southcenter mall was peeling off. We used shot blasters, scrapers and grinders to prep the 120,000' concrete surface for a new traffic coating. To avoid disrupting business, we typically worked nights from 1:00am to 10:00am over the course of about 6 weeks while working closely with the coaters.
Contact Us Today for Your Free Concrete Preparation Quote!
Do you have a Small Project That Needs Blasting?
If you have a movable item to blast such as a car or small boat, we recommend taking it to one of the local blast booths.
King County
Small Contracts and Suppliers
(SCS) - Certified Company